Protecting our most precious Australians
Children's Safety Australia Inc.
About us
Children’s Safety Australia Inc. is a registered charity and incorporated association based in Brisbane.
We acknowledge the vulnerability of children and young people to personal violence and the lack of awareness of many protective adults regarding both the risks facing children and the practical strategies to keep them safe.
We hope to fill this void and equip, empower and inspire protective adults with the information they need to help keep children and young people safe.
National Child Protection week
September 2024
This Child Protection Week we are seeking YOUR feedback about two proposed safety initiatives, Safe Places and Safety Signals, which aim to create a safer community.
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How to support us
- Your donations can help us achieve our mission to maximise the safety and enhance the wellbeing of children and young people. With the generous support from the people like you we are able to protect our most precious Australians. (Donations over $2 are tax deductible and please click the button below to make a donation)
- If you or your organisation is interested in discussing potential sponsorship opportunities, please contact our Director of Marketing and Sponsorship, Steve Kellaway via
- Our primary fundraiser this year is the sale of the fabulous Entertainment Digital Memberships. Books are available for all major cities and regional areas throughout Australia, offering hundreds of valuable up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for many of the best restaurants, cafés, arts, attractions, hotels, travel, shopping and much more. Many city memberships offer over $20,000 value!!
learn moreKey Safety Messages

Sexual abuse


Mental health

Domestic violence

Self harm
Safety Risks for
Young Australians
Sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse
Up to 30 percent of children experience child sexual abuse of any kind.
Approximately one in four Year 4 to Year 9 Australian students (27%) reported being bullied every few weeks or more often (considered to be frequent) .
Mental health
Mental health concerns
Almost one-fifth of all young people aged 11 to 17 years experience high or very high levels of psychological distress.
Domestic violence
Witnessing domestic violence
Almost half of children around the world (48.4%) witness frequent domestic violence each year.
Self harm
Self harm and suicide
One in ten young people aged 12-17 years old will self-harm, one in 13 will seriously consider a suicide attempt, and one in 40 will attempt suicide.

Overview of resources
A wide range of resources are provided to both raise awareness of people safety risks facing children and to share key messages, information and practical advice to enhance children’s safety.
Facts and Figures
Sharing prevalence rates and key information about child sexual abuse.
Info Sheets
Featuring a broad range of topics ranging from comprehensive children’s safety information for protective adults to recognising child sexual abuse, sibling sexual abuse, teen safety messages and children’s rights.
Classroom Resources
Including lesson plans and worksheets promoting key safety messages.
For primary students and young people, including both generic and First Nations versions
Thought Spots
Providing short and sharp practical advice on 20 key topics.
Showcasing some of Australia’s most highly acclaimed children’s safety experts.
Reporting Child Abuse
If you have a reason to suspect a child is experiencing harm, or is at risk of experiencing harm, the following state and territory agencies can provide support and advice.
If you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation, contact the police immediately by dialing Triple Zero (000).
If you believe a child is in immediate danger or in a life-threatening situation, contact the police immediately by dialing Triple Zero (000).
Department: Child Safety Services, Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women Contact numbers: During normal business hours contact the Regional Intake Service After hours and on weekends: 1800 177 135 Website: Reporting child abuse
Australian Capital Territory
Department: Community Services Contact numbers: 1300 556 729(24 hours) Website: The Child and Youth Protection Services and Youth Services
New South Wales
Department: Department of Community Services Contact numbers: 132 111(24 hours) Website: Preventing child abuse and neglect
Northern Territory
Department: Department of Community Support and Care Contact numbers: 1800 700 250 Website: Reporting child abuse
South Australia
Department: Department for Education and Child Development Contact numbers: 13 14 78(24 hours) Website: Reporting child abuse
Department: Commissioner for Children and Young People Contact numbers: 1300 737 639(24 hours) Website: Child Protection notification and Child Protection notification form
Department: Department of Human Services Contact numbers: Office hours: 131 278(24 hours) Website: How to report to child protection and Human Services child protection
Western Australia
Department: Department of Child Protection and Family Support Contact numbers: (08) 9222 2555 After hours:(08) 9223 1111or 1800 199 008 Website: Reporting your concern and Department for Child Protection and Family Support