Show Your Support
Show your support of Children’s Safety Australia Inc. by displaying our ‘Supporter email banner’ on your emails. There are four designs to choose from.
For annual donations of $2500 and above
Gold sponsors will receive a tax deductible receipt for their donation and are acknowledged on the sponsors page with their logo, a link to their website and a description of their business (limited to 150 characters). Gold sponsors are also invited to use the ‘Gold sponsor email banner’ for any staff within their organisation. There are four designs to choose from.
For annual donations of $1000 – $2499
Silver sponsors will receive a tax deductible receipt for their donation and are acknowledged on the sponsors page with their logo and business name. Silver sponsors are also invited to use the ‘Silver sponsor email banner’ for any staff within their organisation. There are four designs to choose from.
For annual donations of $500 – $999
Bronze sponsors will receive a tax deductible receipt for their donation and are acknowledged with their name appearing on the sponsors page. Bronze sponsors are also invited to use the ‘Bronze sponsor email banner’ for any staff within their organisation. There are four designs to choose from.
Note: Children’s Safety Australia Inc. reserves the right to decline sponsorship applications.