As we draw to the end of the 2008-09 financial year, we encourage our subscribers to become financial members of Children’s Safety Australia Inc. (CSA) for 2009-10 for only $10. Members receive quarterly editions of the Safe Start enewsletter and will receive discounts on a range of soon-to-be-released children’s safety resources.
Thanks to the generosity of Minnie Monkey creator, producer and performer, Anita Monk, the first 100 new or renewing members will receive a free Minnie Monkey Magical Music DVD. Aimed at toddlers through to early primary school students, this entertaining DVD includes 10 songs that cover many aspects of child health and safety. CSA would like to thank Anita for her kind donation.
Click here for a copy of the CSA 2009-10 Membership Form.
Minnie Monkey
The Daniel Morcombe Foundation was established in 2005 by Denise and Bruce Morcombe following the tragic abduction and suspected murder of their son Daniel in December 2003. CSA Director Kim Jackson recently met with Denise and Bruce to determine how the two not-for-profit organisations could assist each other to promote children’s safety. A number of ideas and projects were discussed and we look forward to working together in the future.
One such project is the annual ‘Day for Daniel’ event, which is to be held this year on Friday, 30th October. This event promotes the Foundation’s aim of making the world a safer place for our children by creating children’s safety awareness through the involvement of schools and local communities.
CSA encourages all schools and community groups to become involved with this year’s ‘Day for Daniel’.
Some suggestions include:
- Inviting police to talk to students about personal safety;
- Organising a community walk for students; and/or
- Wearing red or having a red themed morning tea or lunch
Further information about the day is available on or email admin@daniel to register your school and go into the draw to win $1200 in prizes.

Bruce and Denise Morcombe with CSA President Kim Jackson
CSA, in partnership with our sister organisation Personal Safety Australia, have been working on an interactive children’s safety book for lower to middle primary school students. The book is intended to be read with a parent/carer or teacher and includes information about the four key safety concepts of the Safety Start: Protective Behaviours for Children and Young People program:
- I am special, so are you: To build a healthy self worth and encourage respect and empathy for others;
- Safety is my right: To identify and effectively respond to potentially unsafe situations and environments, including bullying;
- My body belongs to me: To identify, prevent and stop all forms of abuse; and
- I can get help: To access help from trusted adults and relevant organisations.
The book includes a range of scenarios enabling the practical application of safety concepts, activity sheets, quizzes and a section providing further information for parents and teachers.
CSA has been very fortunate to gain the assistance of two renowned child protection experts, Dr Kerryann Walsh, QUT and Dr Jennifer Sanderson, Griffith University who have reviewed the contents of the book and provided valuable input.
As part of the fine-tuning process, CSA would like to pilot the book in a number of primary schools. If you are able to assist by conducting pilot readings of the book with the same group of students from Prep – Year 2 and providing us with feedback, we would love to hear from you. Please note it will take approx. five sittings of 15 – 20 mins to cover the contents of the book. Please email your interest to: Thank you in advance for your assistance!
CSA is awaiting the outcome of a grant application to fund the illustration and printing of the book, which will cost approximately $50,000. If you are aware of other funding sources or would like to contribute to this project, please contact us.
Purchase your brand new 2009/10 Entertainment Book to receive over $15,000 in valuable offers, valid until 1 June 2010. At the same time, you’ll be supporting Children’s Safety Australia Inc., with $12 from every book sold helping to promote children’s safety.
The Entertainment Book is your guide to the best restaurants, hotel accommodation, attractions, sports and leisure activities…all with 25% to 50% off or 2 for 1 offers. ‘My Bookings’ is a new feature allowing users to compare rates, check availability and book accommodation online.
Brisbane and SE Queensland books are available for $60 and Gold Coast books for $50, PLUS $8 for postage and handling. To order your book, send an email to CSA ( with your name, address and payment details. Payment can be made by EFT (BSB: 704052; Account: 1036202 – please note your name as reference), cheque or money order (sent to: PO Box 202, Corinda Qld 4075).
Child Protection Week is a national event that promotes the belief that it is everyone's responsibility to make their community child friendly. This year Child Protection Week will be held from Sunday, 6 September to Saturday, 12 September.
CSA encourages your school or organisation’s involvement in marking the week with an event to promote children’s safety. You may consider a morning tea, colouring in or poster competition, or a children’s safety talk for children or protective adults (e.g. parents/carers and teachers).
As a special offer to support Child Protection Week, our sister organisation Personal Safety Australia is offering a 20% discount on all children’s safety workshops and awareness sessions held before the end of September 2009. To take advantage of this offer visit www.personal to view the range of children’s safety services available or email: admin@personalsafetyaust. com for further information or to make a booking.
Child Protection Week also provides an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts and commitment of people who make a significant contribution to our community to prevent child harm and neglect, through the Queensland Child Protection Week Awards. If you would like to nominate someone for an award visit: http://www.childsafety.qld. Nominations close on Monday, 13 July 2009.
Further information about Child Protection Week and the Queensland Child Protection Week Awards is contained below:
Child Protection Week is coordinated nationally by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN Incorporated) and, in Queensland, by the Child Protection Week Committee.
Promoting the value of children and focusing attention on the issues of child abuse and neglect, the objectives of Child Protection Week are to:
- raise the profile of all issues connected with child protection, including child abuse prevention, treatment, research, education, service provision and support for children, young people and families;
- create a statewide umbrella focus for child protection allowing government and non-government agencies to present a cooperative and coordinated community oriented campaign;
- support and value professionals and volunteer child protection workers by providing 'best practice' training and a forum to exchange ideas and information; and
- offer a framework to recognise advances in the field, and thereby contribute to better outcomes for all children and young people, especially those who have been harmed or are at risk of harm.
The presentation ceremony for the Queensland Child Protection Week Awards will be held in conjunction with the launch of Child Protection Week.
Awards are presented to individuals or groups in the following categories:
- Professional (non-government) - Outstanding contribution to promoting child protection issues in their capacity as a professional working in the child protection (or related) field.
- Professional (government) - Outstanding contribution to child protection at a practice, policy or service development level within the public service.
- Volunteer - Invaluable contributions made by volunteers working in government or non-government agencies.
- Regional program - Program that operates within part of, or across, a whole region to address some aspect of child protection.
- Education initiative - Development of an innovative approach or resource to promote child protection.
- Youth participation - Involvement of young people in a local activity to enhance the wellbeing of children and young people.
- Media - Recognises an article or series which highlight child protection issues.
For further information visit:
A healthy self esteem is fundamental to self protection and a person’s ability to reach their full potential. Praising children can be an effective tool to boost their self esteem. Effective praise can also result in greater confidence, self discipline and moral behaviour.
As Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer explains in her books ‘Praising Girls Well’ and ‘Praising Boys Well’, boys and girls often react to praise in different ways and need their confidence reinforced in different areas. Each of her books contains 100 practical tips for teachers and parents to ensure praise is relevant to the developmental level and gender of their child/ren or children in their care.
Most people will acknowledge that children respond far better to positive feedback and encouragement than they do to threats, criticism, and punishment. However, the author explains the dangers when praise is over-used, over-hyped or belies the truth. While the majority of the text is the same in both books, a number of key gender differences are identified and explored. For example,
- Girls tend to be more conformist than boys and like to toe the line and receive approval. The danger is that girls have a propensity to mould themselves on key individual’s expectations and can become cut off from their true selves.
- Despite clear success, girls who do well often remain sure it was a fluke, not due to their talent. They need to be given detail about what they did right to convince them, and they should be told that it is absolutely okay to make mistakes and fail sometimes.
- Boys are not only readily embarrassed by overt praise (whether given in front of others or in private), but they are also more suspicious of it than girls. They are more inclined to feel potentially manipulated by praise and to accept it less willingly because they detect an ulterior motive. When given to older boys, praise needs to be either matter of fact – very descriptive of what has been achieved – or short.
- Boys need to be overtly valued by adult males, their fathers especially. From the age of about eight, female approval may have less value and impact in their eyes than male approval. But many fathers find it hard to praise their sons, for fear of making them “soft” among other reasons.
‘Praising Girls Well’ and ‘Praising Boys Well’ are available from most libraries and can be purchased from a number of online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.